Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 82

Not a lot to report today. Started re-familiarizing myself with the next book.

FACE AFTER FACE: Began re-reading what I’ve done so far. Got about 10% in. Hope to power through a lot more of it tomorrow. It’s rainy here in my part of Texas, so I’ve got an incentive to stay in and read!

Also, I remembered long ago I’d planned to make a Spotify playlist for VOIDVILLE, based on the book’s chapter titles. Added that to the to-do list.



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Spotify playlist; Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish

Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 83

Okay, as with LANTERNS, here’s the rewrite breakdown for VOIDVILLE. I’ve listed what was done as it corresponds to the original day-to-day VOIDVILLE posts on this blog. If you get the eventual paperback or ebook version and are interested in the revision process, you can follow along with the original posts and the rewrite references below…

I mentioned it earlier, but I accidentally deleted this list at one point, but was able to put it back together at about 95% of what it was. There may be a few changes here and there that aren’t documented below.

As before, I’m not listing changes in punctuation, adding/removing line breaks, and other minutiae.

(And needless to say, if you want to be surprised by the story, don’t read the revision notes, as I’ll be revealing plot details here and there!)


DAY 1: Updated ‘peak’ to ‘capacity’.

Updated ‘flying’ to ‘which flew’.

Made global change to capitalize ‘Leviathan’.

Pluralized ‘bracelet’ and ‘wrist’.

DAY 2: Continuity: Benjamin gets in trouble for promising Eury she can play then ditching her. I put that promise in here.

DAY 3: No changes!

DAY 4: Changed ‘drove’ to ‘passed’. Andi’s too young to drive. She might have been in a car with her parent, but specifying that would have been too much detail for a quick thought.

Changed ‘she’ to ‘the girl’ for clarity.

DAY 5: Removed ‘gleefully’. The passage of time is presented as a mechanistic thing, so the adverb felt tonally wrong.

Changed ‘inclined wall’ to ‘rows’. Tried to be poetic and failed.

Added ‘separate’ to ‘two pep rallies’ to clarify.

Changed to ‘as one of the custodians prepared’. Flowed better.

Added ‘a’ to ‘there was decorum’. Flowed better.

DAY 6: Removed ‘in’ from ‘I believe in that’. Sounded strange.

Removed ‘little’ from the description of Andi’s bag. It’s got a dress and makeup kit in it, after all — it can’t be that little!

DAY 7: Changed ‘The other guys’ to ‘Other…’ Later events would suggest Cy hasn’t had a girlfriend, either.

DAY 8: Continuity: updated ‘Carson’ to ‘Carter.’ (Sigh.)

Shifted around ‘blast’ and ‘fun’ and ‘great time’. Flowed better.

Changed ‘furry glove’ to ‘big hand’ as we already established Randall was allergic to fake fur.

Changed ‘bid’ to ‘bade’ to fix the verb.

Changed ‘happy’ to ‘truly happy’. Flowed better.

DAY 9: Added ‘she does’ to ‘Dad and me’ to clarify.

DAY 10: Added ‘in that case’ to ‘with a warning’ to clarify.

Removed the section about the parents having ‘the talk’ with Eury. It felt too farcical for the scene.

DAY 11: Continuity fix: referred to Cy’s sister as ‘Rose’ in some places and ‘Beth’ in others. (Sigh.) Standardized it to ‘Beth’. What is it with me and changing characters’ names halfway through? Remind me to tell you some time about a short story of mine that actually got published with a character’s name changing midway through…

DAY 12: No changes!

DAY 13: Changed ‘tend’ to ‘tended’.

Changed ‘you’ to ‘your’ in ‘honor you father’. (Sigh.)

DAY 14: Rephrased ‘A little more advanced notice…’ The good old corkscrew syntax that comes from my being a lifelong Texan…!

DAY 15: No changes!

DAY 16: Removed ‘up’ from ‘Stuff me up’. Perfect prepositional (mis)use for Texas, but confusing to the world at large…

DAY 17: Changed ‘once’ to ‘one’. (Sigh.)

DAY 18: No changes!

DAY 19: Changed ‘prank’ to ‘joke, only a joke.’ It fit Benjamin’s frazzled mindset better.

Removed ‘inside, outside,’ because it made it sound like they’d left the house when they hadn’t yet.

Removed ‘back’ from lawn. Redundant.

Added ‘with’ to ‘no way to make things right. Flowed better.

DAY 20: Went through and standardized the capitalization of ‘Flags’ and ‘Flag Corps’ where needed.

Lowercased ‘Heaven,’ since it was being used informally.

DAY 21: Added ‘of’ to ‘couple school’. (Sigh.)

Added ‘like’ to ‘her peers did’ for clarity.

DAY 22: Rephrased ‘like Andi had been over’. Crazy syntax strikes again!

DAY 23: Changed a ‘said’ to ‘continued’. Oh no, I’ve committed a ‘said bookism’! But sometimes a different word works better…

DAY 24: Added a ‘ma’am’ to Andi’s ‘no problem.’ The teacher would expect more deference.

Added ‘at’ to ‘100%’. Flowed better.

DAY 25: Changed ‘didn’t’ to ‘wasn’t’ to match verbs.

DAY 26: Clarified ‘the world’ with a reference to Voidville.

DAY 27: Changed ‘self’ to ‘shelf’. (Sigh.)

DAY 28: Changed ‘a full head shorter,’ as I’d already used that phrase to describe Wren.

Continuity fix: Randall’s family were Church of Christ, not Baptist. As someone who was raised Baptist, I really ought to know the difference!

DAY 29: Changed ‘Joseph’ to ‘Jacob’. Just being picky here, as I’d already used Joseph as a possible Voidville character for one of Randall’s brothers.

Changed ‘sleep’ to ‘slumber’. Felt like a better word.

Removed ‘at first’ in Andi’s eating description. Felt unneeded.

Added foreshadowing to the invitation rewrite below.

DAY 30: Rewrote the section where Andi invited Cy to the dance with a letter. Couldn’t find a good place to foreshadow that. Replaced it with a phone message.

Added ‘And’ to ‘I have the power’. Felt better, as she was ending a list.

Added ‘else’ to ‘Or I let’. Flowed a little better.

Removed the apostrophe-‘s’ from the end of ‘Andi’. (Sigh.)

Changed ‘girlie’ to ‘girl’. Didn’t feel right for Mrs. Vail.

Expanded Mrs. Vail’s rejection of Benjamin.

Tweaked the bit about stealing the bicycles, as they were fleeing from Mrs. Vail.

DAY 31.1: Changed ‘At nine’ to ‘By nine’. Needed to be a little imprecise.

Changed ‘scuttled’ to ‘lumbered’ to reflect the huge crab’s size.

Added ‘Ziz’s’ to ‘the throat’ to err on the side of clarity.

DAY 31.2: Added ‘that version’ to ‘you’re playing’ to clarify.

Added ‘honestly?’ to ‘And I’. Flowed better.

Expanded Cy’s monologue to give a bit more info on how he came back to life.

Added a section to ‘as she looked at the arrow,’ to further demonstrate Andi’s mindset and build up the reveal of her being able to alter reality.

Added a bit after ‘Go get him,’ to show Benjamin actually getting to he feet before running. (Sigh.)

Changed ‘flying’ to ‘failing, desperate’. Benjamin’s not that coordinated.

Altered the bit with Benjamin laughing at Cy’s joke. Felt a bit too much like Batman: The Killing Joke.

Changed ‘come’ to ‘go’ to fix the verb.

Continuity: made a big deal about the rat-thing Andi sees earlier, but never called back to it or tied it up. Took care of that.

Added ‘He looked her right in the eyes’ to add a beat to Benjamin’s explanation.

Slightly expanded Andi’ debate on whether or not to go with Benjamin.

Softened Benjamin’s reference to the ring-toss game. Felt a bit spiteful.

Continuity: added a bit where Benjamin turns to face Andi before he falls backwards into the portal.

Continuity: added a small bit as Benjamin falls calling back to the sheet-draped Lloyd stand-in.

DAY 32: Removed ‘on’ after ‘clicked’. More Southern syntax.

Added a bit more dialogue to improve the pacing before they go to Eury’s truck.

Changed Eury’s dialogue so she refers to herself as Europa.

Changed ‘had’ to ‘took’. Felt like a better word.

Changed ‘awful’ to ‘horrible’. Better word choice.

Changed up the part as Eury asks Andi about her life to make the emotional shift flow a little better.

Continuity: Amended Andi’s statement about no kids, since passing stories on to her children was one of the reasons she didn’t follow Benjamin.

Changed ‘it was’ to ‘these trips were’ for clarity.

Changed ‘you’d’ to ‘you’ll’ to fix the verb.

Removed ‘Fighting for us’. The more I came back to it, the less I liked it. It felt a little too hero-worshippy for something both Andi and Eury have *extremely* mixed feelings over.

Changed ‘in the witching hour’ to ‘during…’. Better word.

Added a bit of action and dialogue to Andi’s ‘I try’. Felt a little abrupt before.

Added ‘tiny piece by tiny piece’ to ‘this world is eating me’. It’s a gradual, insidious process, as we all know.

Changed ‘Leviathan’ to ‘Ziz’ to fit Andi’s experiences.


Next up is reading what I’ve done so far on FACE AFTER FACE, to re-familiarize myself before I begin the task of completing it…



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 84

Done with the simple stuff in the rewrites. Now for the hard part…

VOIDVILLE: Finished the HTML tags and simple rewrites. Was able to 95% reconstruct the rewriting notes, so I’ll post those tomorrow when I’m done with everything (assuming I can get all the big continuity headaches wrangled in a single day!) After that, it’ll be time to move on to finishing FACE AFTER FACE

Found stock art for the TAPEWORM cover, and tracked down across three different computers the stock art I’d bookmarked for the other three novels. I’ll be re-learning GIMP soon enough…

Also, yesterday was International Cat Day, so here’s a picture of Valentine. Seventeen years old and still going strong!




FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 85

It wouldn’t be a day ending in ‘y’ if I didn’t have some hair-tearing, clothes-rending screw-up happen on this project…

VOIDVILLE: Almost finished with the HTML/minor fixes on the rewrites, then it’ll be time for the big continuity stuff. My screw-up was in accidentally wiping out the list of changes I’d planned to post when done. Luckily, I was able to *mostly* recover it; I’ll just need to reconstruct the changes I made after what was logged in the draft I salvaged. Of course, that involves spending more time I don’t necessarily have…

Starting to get nervous that, even with only two weeks down in a fourteen-week project, I may not have enough time to finish everything. The plan is to jettison TAPEWORM if needed and only publish the first three books, but I still have to finish writing FACE AFTER FACE, which won’t be easy. That particular book is approaching Song of Ice and Fire amounts of POV characters, which is a little absurd when you consider it’s just a horror novel about a haunted Halloween costume shop.

Still, I’m waiting to see how things stand when we get to day fifty, the halfway point, which is five weeks away. Surely I can finish the final 25-30% of a novel in that amount of time. Shirley, I can’t be serious.



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 86

Rewriting on VOIDVILLE is underway! I’m going to post the entire rewrite changes list in a later entry when it’s completely finished.

VOIDVILLE: About halfway done with HTML tags and simple rewrites (changing words and phrases, etc). When I’m done with that, I’ll go back through and do the tougher stuff like continuity fixes. Also, realized I’d missed a needed callback late in the book, so I added a note about that to the paper copy.

It looks like we’re averaging a week-ish to do markup and rewriting for each book, so I’ll factor that into the time I have remaining in this project when it comes time to rewrite FACE AFTER FACE and (Lord willing and crick don’t rise) TAPEWORM.

When this set of rewrites is done, the rest of this week and the coming weekend are going to be devoted to three things: re-reading what I’ve written on FACE AFTER FACE (to refamiliarize myself so I don’t make too many new continuity errors when I start writing it again); working on finishing FACE AFTER FACE (this may take a couple of weeks); and maybe, possibly, creating a new cover for THE FESTIVAL OF BORAMETZ and using it as my guinea pig for paperback formatting/publishing.



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 87

Got a little work done today while recovering from the late night out yesterday and the drive home today. Also, a bonus catastrophe!

VOIDVILLE: Got back to work putting HTML tags in the Word doc. Made it about a third of the way through the file, then had the “clever” idea of fooling around with the document formatting again, and accidentally wiped out all the italics through the remainder of the document. Luckily, I’ve got the original printout with markups, and it’s got the italic formatting displayed. So, just a bit of extra work moving forward, putting in tags simultaneously as I rewrite…

I’m caught up with late posts now. See you tomorrow!



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 88

Big goose-egg today. Went out of town to visit friends and go to a concert (my second time seeing Coheed & Cambria). Got nothing done on the Halloween novels, but it was nice to take a break. Back to it tomorrow!



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 89

Posting this late; will catch up on posts over the course of today. Still, some good news to report:

VOIDVILLE: 155 pages out of 155 marked up! Powered through and got the paper copy done and ready for rewrites. The book definitely has some problems that need fixing, but it wasn’t the total fiasco I remembered it to be.

Potential pull quote for the paperback edition: “Not a total fiasco” — The Author.

Ready to get into rewrites, but I think I’ll get through the Wheel of Pain of putting in all the HTML tags first before beginning the actual rewrites.



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 90

A little forward momentum today. Going to be busy this weekend, so posts may be delayed.

VOIDVILLE: 63 out of 155 pages marked up. Almost done with the first section of the book. Also, went in the Word doc and inserted the missing page breaks wiped out by my fooling around with the formatting. Started replacing italicized text with HTML tags, but only got a few pages in before the monotony got to me. It’s got to be done, but man, is it soul-crushing.

Will probably not post tomorrow, but I’ll double-post Sunday with updates on what I got done Friday and Saturday.



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish


Slouching Towards Halloween – Day 91

Good start on the latest markup.

VOIDVILLE: 54 out of 155 pages done. The first section of the book is almost entirely slice-of-life, so there wasn’t a lot to check except for continuity and jettisoning a small section here and there. The latter part of the novel is where things go nuts, speculative-stuff-wise, so I think the marking up will go more slowly at that point. Still, getting a third done to begin with is not too shabby.

Ten days down out of a hundred! I’m getting a sense of how long this all might take; I’ll have an even better idea after I’ve gotten cover art and ebook/paperback formatting done for a title.



FACE AFTER FACE (Book 1) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
VOIDVILLE (Book 2) – Printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
LANTERNS (Book 3) – Cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
TAPEWORM (Book 4) – Finish writing; printout markup; rewrites; cover art; ebook formatting; paperback formatting; publish
